Cologne Graduate School of Economics PhD Program in Economics (with integrated M.Sc. Economic Research)

Cologne Graduate School of Economics PhD Program in Economics (with integrated M.Sc. Economic Research)

The Cologne Graduate School of Economics (CGS-E), as part of the Cologne Graduate School of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (CGS) offers a structured graduate program in economics. The objective of the programme is to foster excellent and innovative research. It is run in cooperation with the Young ECONtribute programme of the Cluster of Excellence “ECONtribute: Markets and Public Policy” (jointly granted by the German federal and state government for the University of Cologne and the University Bonn), which combines different research strands within economics and encourages interdisciplinary research.

The two-stage CGS-E graduate program offers supervision for research in all major fields of economics, preferably related to the research areas of the Cluster of Excellence “ECONtribute: Markets and Public Policy”, e.g. Behavioral Economics, Market Design, Organizational Design, Consumer Protection, Political Economy, Distribution and Financial Stability (see In the first stage, students complete their course work in a two-year M.Sc. Economic Research program. Upon successful graduation, students enter the second three-year doctoral stage. Students of the CGS-E have the opportunity to participate in high-level research seminars, workshops and soft-skill courses, and they will be part of a vibrant and international research network around the Cluster.

QUALIFICATIONS: The Cologne Graduate School of Economics invites applications for its program to outstanding students who are close to finishing a master’s or bachelor’s degree in economics or a related discipline (e.g. econometrics, business administration, finance) and who are among the top graduates in their current program. Students with a bachelor’s degree will enter the integrated program of the CGS-E in the first stage and can graduate in the M.Sc. Economic Research. Students holding a master’s degree have to complete the program’s course work where credit transfers from their previous master studies are possible and can enter the doctoral stage of the program. We offer grants for all accepted students holding a master degree. Further funds are available for M.Sc. Economic Research students.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Please visit the CGS-E website for application requirements and information on the program:  

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