Scholarship SDGs International Doctoral Course for Young Vietnamese Lecturers

Scholarship SDGs International Doctoral Course for Young Vietnamese Lecturers

Okayama University (Japan) is offering Scholarship SDGs International Doctoral Course for Young Vietnamese Lecturers

Application requirements

Applicants should be fulfilling all of the following conditions:
(1) Applicants who have received, or are expected to receive a Master’s degree by the time of admission in any majors related to Environmental Science and Agricultural Science.
NOTE: Applicants must contact their potential supervisors to discuss about their doctoral thesis research themes.
(2) Applicants who belong to the organization which have validated MoU or MoA with Okayama University.
(3) Applicants who are able to do the research at a university (and/ or a research organization) in Vietnam for one year during their doctoral course.
(4) Applicants who have the supervisor (who holds PhD degree) at a university (and/or a research organization) in Vietnam.
(5) Applicants who are under the age of 40 by the time of entrance.

Required documents for application

(1) Application form (Use the official application form attached)
(2) Official academic records issued by the institution from which an applicant graduated or is expected to graduate (in English)
(3) English certificate of TOEFL (International or Institutional), or TOEIC or IELTS, or CEFR
(4) An English abstract of doctoral research proposal (1 page in A4 size)
(5) A copy of master’s thesis.
(6) If any, summary of an applicant’s current research after graduation of master course.
(7) If any, status of co-work with the potential supervisor at Okayama University
(8) An English abstract of (5). (1 page in A4 size, tables and figures can be included)
(9) Letter of Commitment for the Entrance signed by the applicant and by both potential supervisors from Okayama University and a Vietnamese university)

Application procedure

All required documents must be submitted by post by the deadline of September 30, 2020 to Okayama University, Japan.

Address for submission of documents

Graduate School Section Academic Affairs Division
Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science
Okayama University 3-1-1, Tsushima-naka, Kita-ku, Okayama 700-8530, Japan

Selection procedures of the entrance examination

(1) First Screening: Review of the required documents and Interview in English
(2) Final Screening: Review of the required documents
For the final screening, applicants need to apply to the Overseas Selection for International Students (Application Period: November 26, 2020- December 16, 2020) selection process.
*The entrance examination fee will be waived.

Schedule until the enrollment

2020 August 3 (Mon) to September 30 (Wed): Application acceptance period
Early October to mid October: First Screening
Late October: Announcement of the first screening results
November 26 (Thu) to December 16 (Wed): Application acceptance period for Special Entrance Examination for the Foreign Students
2021 January 22(Fri): Announcement of the final screening results
March 15 (Mon) to March 16 (Tue): Registration period for admission
April 1 (Thu): Enrollment and the courses begin

Program fees and financial aids

Tuition: Okayama University waives entrance examination fee, enrollment and tuition fees for the successful candidate in this program during their period of studying at Okayama University.
Fees for Vietnamese Universities might be applied.
Scholarship: Maximum of 1,600,000 JPY will be awarded by Okayama University to the successful candidate. The grant would be disbursed in the first year.
Accommodation: Students in this program are able to stay on the campus housing preferentially with monthly fee.

Program description

(1) Students will enroll into International Doctoral Course for Young Lecturers.
For more information, please refer to the accompanying sheet.
(2) April, 2021 to March, 2022
Coursework and research at Okayama University
(3) April, 2022 to March, 2023
Research at a university (and/or a research organization) in Vietnam.
(4) April 2023 to March 2024
Coursework and research at Okayama University. Doctoral thesis preparation and Thesis Defense

Instructions for the preparation of application documents

Abstract of master’s thesis or, summary of current research or occupation (if already graduated)
One A4-size page, all margins are 25 mm, use Times New Roman font, standard font size is 10.5 point except the title with 12 point. Applicant’s name is followed after the title with a line space. Summary begins after the name with a line space. Figures and/or tables can be included.

Example as in the announcement attached

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