PhD Position in Economics – Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Cleantech Studies
EPFL – Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne
PhD Position in Economics – Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Cleantech Studies
The Chair of Innovation and Intellectual Property Policy at the College of Management of Technology (CDM) at Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, offers a 4-year, fully funded position for a PhD student.
The successful candidate will work under the direct supervision of Prof. de Rassenfosse (http://www.gder.info) on a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. This project involves studying various empirical aspects related to the financing of cleantech startups.
The ideal candidate will have a strong background in economics or finance (advanced master from a leading university preferred) and a keen interest in entrepreneurship and innovation studies. Candidates who lack such a background will be expected to complete the Gerzensee doctoral programme. Exceptional candidates with a MSc in a related discipline (physics, mathematics, statistics, management, etc.) will also be considered. The start date is January 1st, 2018.
Please submit a one – page cover letter, record of transcripts, CV and contact details of three referees to Prof. de Rassenfosse at iipp@epfl.ch. Candidates who are then formally encouraged to apply will be expected to submit their applications to the central EPFL submission system, which involves submitting GRE and TOEFL test scores. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the position is filled. The deadline for submission is October 15th.
– Excellent working conditions: an innovative and competitive atmosphere, modern equipped working areas and an environment that promotes access to the world’s best scientists.
– Individual and intensive supervision of your PhD.
– Mentors committed to your long-¬-term success in academia.
– Full financial support, including travel money and computing equipment.
EPFL is a research-¬-intensive university in Lausanne, Switzerland, that specialises in physical sciences and engineering. EPFL is widely regarded as one of the world-leading universities. The QS World University ranking places EPFL 12th in the world across all fields.
The CDM has an aligned focus on research and teaching in the areas of entrepreneurship and innovation studies with close ties to engineering and technology. See http://cdm.epfl.ch for more information.