University of Luxembourg Doctoral Researcher (PhD Student) to undertake research on the topic of ‘Business and Human Rights’ (m/f)
The Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg is recruiting a Doctoral researcher (PhD student) to undertake research on the topic of ‘Business and Human Rights’ (m/f)
– Ref: F2-080018 (to be mentioned in all correspondence)
– Fixed-term 14-month initial contract, extendable to 48 month
– Full-time position (40 h/week)
– Student and employee status
The doctoral candidate will undertake primary research and theoretical analysis of the ways in which some business and industry segments are responding with particular strategies and solutions to the violation of human rights experienced through modern slavery and human trafficking. This topic is central to Goal 8 of the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals which makes explicit the need for ‘sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all’.
Modern slavery (defined as the range of exploitative and coercive social, cultural and economic practices that deprive a person of their human rights and liberty), is a prevalent problem in many societies and cultures. The Global Slavery Index estimates suggest that more than 40 million people form an ‘economy of disposable people’ (Bales, 1999) who are forced to work in industries related to domestic work, construction, brick production, agriculture, service-based jobs such as car washing, restaurants, hotels, fisheries, mining and extraction to supply what consumers want.
The student is expected to specialise in an industry, business or organizational context within which violations of human rights have been identified (see the Global Slavery Index for an overview of the sectors and commodities which often involve forced labour). The student will gather empirical material on how organizations (whether private businesses, large or small, not for profit, family firms, social/ hybrid or non-governmental organizations) in any risk country are responding to these violations and building strategies to detect or prevent modern slavery and/or enable the rehabilitation of victims.
The student is required to have an understanding of (and be willing to) specialize in qualitative research design strategies that involve some of the following: discourse analysis, life stories, narrative, semiotics, conversation analysis, content and text based analysis, ethnography, participant observation, hermeneutics, ethnomethodology, grounded theory, case study work which, amongst other things, emphasis contextual sensitivity, ethical issues, holistic perspectives and understandings not as static entities but of organizational phenomena ‘in process’.
– The doctoral researcher will work within the Department of Economics and Management. The doctoral researcher is expected to contribute to research projects in the area of organizational responsibilities towards human rights violations; discourses of modern slavery and their meaning/relevance for organizational research; strategic responses to these violations and/or the laws and institutional developments related to Business and Human Rights; new organizational forms being created in the anti-slavery space.
– The candidate is expected to have an interest in organization theory from the point of view of entrepreneurship, business ethics, innovation, business strategy, corporate social responsibility and/or sustainability.
– It is also an asset if the candidate can demonstrate in their motivation letter an interest in relating to theories and concepts in one (or some) of the following discipline or thematic areas: sociology, social or literary theory, linguistics or semiotics, post or de-colonial theory, race issues, human rights, diversity, social integration, activism and/or social movements.
– It is also essential that the candidate is interested in methodologies that utilize text-based analysis involving software to undertake content or interpretivist analysis.
– The candidate’s main task will be to prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of management, entrepreneurship or innovation, under the supervision of Professor Denise Fletcher.
– The thesis work will be undertaken in Luxembourg at the University of Luxembourg but there is also the possibility for part supervision with another university.
– The candidate will contribute to the teaching of classes ranging from one to three hours per week, of small group teachings and tutorials.
For more information concerning this position, please contact Prof. Denise Fletcher, email:
– Master’s degree in business, management, entrepreneurship, business ethics, innovation, business strategy, corporate social responsibility and/or sustainability.
– A first degree, work experience or background in one of the following: sociology, social or literary theory, linguistics or semiotics, political economy, post or de-colonial theory, race issues, human rights, diversity, social integration, activism and/or social movements.
– Have the linguistic skills to evolve in a multilingual environment; fluency in English (minimum level 6.5 IELTs for non-native English speakers); and a good understanding of a second language and possibly a third language (i.e. French or German) will be considered an advantage.
– Applications are welcome from survivors of modern slavery and/or trafficking.
– Regular personal exchanges with the supervisor and the members of the thesis committee, and a high-quality research environment provided by the Doctoral School of Economics and Management.
– An exciting international and multilingual research environment.
– Personal work space at the University.
– Gender-friendly workplace.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Applications should be submitted online, before 29 February 2020 and must include the following:
– A motivation letter.
– This should demonstrate your interest in researching and gathering material on industries, segments and organizations that are building responses to detect and remedy the human rights violations they find in their supply chains or organizational structures; and/or the new strategies, practices or organizational forms that are emerging in the anti-slavery space.
– It should also demonstrate your experience or interest in one/some of the following: sociology, social or literary theory, linguistics or semiotics, political economy, post or de-colonial theory, race issues, human rights, diversity, social integration, activism and/or social movements.
– A detailed curriculum vitae with list of publications and copies thereof, if applicable.
– A transcript of concluded university studies.
– The name, current position and relationship to the applicant, of one referee.
The University of Luxembourg is an equal opportunity employer.
The University of Luxembourg is a multilingual, international research university.