Ngô Minh Hải
Ph.D, Uni-Trier, GermanyThis course is a complementary part of an introductory course in general finance. Due to its broad coverage, participants can not confuse this course with behavioral economics or other more specific courses such as behavioral assert pricing, behavioral corporate finance, behavioral portfolio management or modern investment stragegies and so on. This course provides an overview on theoretical foundation and practical evidence of behavioral finance. Which is the initial starting point for futher exploration on either better understanding investors’ preferences or applying these knowledge on more certain fields of research.
Session 1: Introduction to Behavioral Finance
Session 2: Heuristics and Biases (1)
Session 3: Heuristics and Biases (2)
Session 4: Market anomalies and Investment mistakes (1)
Session 5: Market anomalies and Investment mistakes (2)
Session 6: Market anomalies and Investment mistakes (3)
Session 7: Market anomalies and Investment mistakes (4)
Session 8: Theoretical Background (1)
Session 9: Theoretical Background (2)
Final exam (50%)
Paper presenation and discussion (50%)
(a) Required text:
- Shefrin, H. (2002). Beyond Greed and Fear: Understanding Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-530421-3.
- Schleifer, A. (2000). Inefficient markets: an introduction to behavioral finance. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-829227-9.
(b) Course website: currently unavailable
(c) Online resource: