Course Syllabus

10 sessions


Binyam Afewerk Demena
Dr. Binyam Afewerk Demena (PhD)


1A Hoang Dieu, Ward 10, Phu Nhuan, HCMC   View map


Economics , MAE

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes international trade as an engine for inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction, and as an important means to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This course is aimed at giving students a thorough understanding of the key theoretical foundations and policy debates in international trade for development. The focus will be on research-led policy-relevant approaches that enable students to better understand national, bilateral, and multilateral cooperation as well as policies for development.

In a hands-on setting during workshops, you will learn to apply basic tools and concepts and become familiar with some applied econometric techniques (analysing trade flows, partial equilibrium with structural Gravity).
The policy negotiation game is a simulation game of an official international meeting in which student groups from delegations for major countries. Your group will prepare a policy document based on the most recent publications by IMF, G20, OECD, UNCTAD, WTO and actually negotiation in a setting that represents a
meeting at one of these organizations.

Upon completion, you will have a good understanding of international trade theories and up-to-date knowledge about topical developments in the world economy and their consequences on issues related to developing countries.

You will be able to analyse the determinants of trade, to measure the impact of trade and to provide evidence-based policy advice that fits development strategies in development strategies. Students will be expected to present papers that are closely related to the materials covered to answer several brief questions and able to prepare a critical evaluation and summary. Students are also expected to watch required short teaching videos
and read articles beforehand (the first hour of teaching sessions). The second hour of teaching sessions will be devoted to work through Q&A, discussions, small exercises, synthesizing and testing skills in applying  knowledge.

Session 1: Theories of trade and globalization

Session 2: Understanding FDI and the link with Development 

Session 3: Trade analytical tools and concepts; Instruments of trade policy; and History and development of gravity

Session 4: Polices regarding FDI in developing countries

Session 5: Internationalization, Heterogeneity, and Development

Session 6: Measuring Heterogeneity and Development

Session 7A: FDI and controversies in developing countries

Session 7B: Giving evidence-based advice.

Session 8: Workshop I

Session 9: Workshop II

Session 10: Policy negotiation game (3hrs) 

Session 11: policy negotiation game (3hrs) 

Assessment will be by means of the following two of the three mode of evaluation.
– Policy negotiation game

– Take home exam
– Article reviews

Krugman, P.R., Obstefeld, M. and Melitz, M.J., 2018. International Economics: Theory and Policy, Global Edition. Pearson.

Demena, B.A., and van Bergeijk, P.A.G., (Eds.) (2022). Trade and Investment in East Africa: Prospects, Challenges and Pathways to Sustainability. Springer. This is awork-in-progress with Springer to compile our current Tradecom project with REPOA into an edited volume under a special issue – Frontiers in African Business Research.

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