3rd UWA Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Conference (Virtual)

October 14 - October 15, 2020, Business School University of Western Australia (UWA) The Business School of the University of Western Australia is delighted to invite academics and practitioners to the 3rd UWA Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Conference. The two-day VIRTUAL event seeks to bring together academics conducting financial and economic


October 14, 2020


October 15, 2020


Virtual   View map

October 14 – October 15, 2020, Business School University of Western Australia (UWA)

The Business School of the University of Western Australia is delighted to invite academics and practitioners to the 3rd UWA Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Conference. The two-day VIRTUAL event seeks to bring together academics conducting financial and economic research in blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Keynote speakers: 

  • Tony Richards, Reserve Bank of Australia 
  • David Yermack, NYU 
  • Markus Brunnermeier, Princeton

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