[STBI-160107] An Empirical Analysis of Comparative Advantage Dynamics

Dear professors, lecturers, researchers, colleagues, and students, You are cordially invited to the next UEH School of Economics STBI (Small Talks Big Ideas) seminar. Topic: "An Empirical Analysis of Comparative Advantage Dynamics" Presenter: Dr. Tra Pham (RMIT International University Vietnam) Time: 11:00 - Thursday, 07 Jan 2016 Venue: Hall H.001,


January 7, 2016 - 11:00 am


January 7, 2016 - 12:00 am


1A Hoàng Diệu, Phú Nhuận, HCM   View map

Dear professors, lecturers, researchers, colleagues, and students,

You are cordially invited to the next UEH School of Economics STBI (Small Talks Big Ideas) seminar.

Topic: “An Empirical Analysis of Comparative Advantage Dynamics”

Presenter: Dr. Tra Pham (RMIT International University Vietnam)

Time: 11:00 – Thursday, 07 Jan 2016

Venue: Hall H.001, 1A Hoang Dieu, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City


This paper uses product-level data to analyse how comparative advantage evolves as per capita income rises in a sample of twenty relatively rapidly growing countries. Evidence that output and exports become more diversified—not more specialized—as per capita income rises has been interpreted to suggest that comparative advantage does not evolve as theory predicts and has been taken as a basis for a revival of industrial policy in developing countries. This paper presents evidence that comparative advantages does evolves as theory predicts and provides a reinterpretation of empirical finding of output and export diversification.


Dr. Tra Pham is currently a lecturer in economics at RMIT International University Vietnam. Prior to joining RMIT, she taught at the International University (Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Minh City), held an Assistant Professorship at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands), and served as a Senior Economic Advisor to a USAID-funded project advising the Government of Vietnam on international economic policy issues. Her current research interests include international economics, microeconomics of development and macroeconomic policy in Vietnam. Dr. Pham has published many research papers in academic journals such as Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, Economics of Transition, Applied Economics Letters, Journal of Emerging Markets Finance, Applied Financial Economics Letters, and Topics in Theoretical Economics. Dr. Pham holds a PhD degree in Economics (2006) and a Master degree in Finance (2000) from University of Groningen (the Netherlands).






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