Vũ Thành Tự Anh

Vũ Thành Tự Anh

Ph.D Boston College, United States

Research interests:

Finance Development, Public Finance, Competitiveness Analysis for Provinces

  1. Vu Thanh Tu Anh (2009), “Perceptions of impacts of and responses to the current global financial crisis by productive and manufacturing industries in Vietnam,” UNIDO research paper.
  2. Jonathan Pincus and Vu Thanh Tu Anh, “Vietnam: A Tiger in Turmoil,” Far Eastern Economic Review, Vol. 171, No. 4, May 2008, pp. 28-34.
  3. Vu Thanh Tu Anh, “Reducing Budget Deficit to Recover Macroeconomic Stability,” Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 7, No. 123, May 2008, pp. 54-57.
  4. Dwight H. Perkins and Vu Thanh Tu Anh, “Vietnam’s Industrial Policy: Designing Policies for Sustainable Development,” Prepared under UNDP – Harvard Policy Dialogue Papers “Series on Vietnam’s WTO Accession and International Competitiveness Research”
  5. Co-author in the report by Vietnam Program (Harvard) and Fulbright School titled “Choosing
    Success: The Lessons of East and Southeast Asia and Vietnam’s Future – A Policy Framework for Vietnam’s Socioeconomic Development, 2011-2020
  6. Kim N. B. Ninh and Vu Thanh Tu Anh (2008), “Decentralization in Vietnam: Challenges and
    Policy Implications for Sustainable Economic Growth,” The Asia Foundation research paper.
  7. Vu Thanh Tu Anh, Le Viet Thai, Vo Tat Thang (2006), “Provincial Extralegal Investment
    Incentives in the Context of Decentralization: Mutually Beneficial or the Race to the Bottom?
    ” Prepared under United Nations Development Program Project No. 5088790-01, “UNDP-Vietnam Discussion Papers on Topics Relating to Decentralization and Economic Performance.” Forthcoming in October 2006.
  8. Dapice, David O.; Mazur, Eli; and Vu Thanh Tu Anh (2006), “Industrial Zones and Rural
    Development: Managing Decentralization in the Chu Lai Open Economic Zone.
    ” Prepared under United Nations Development Program Project No. 5088790-01, “UNDP-Vietnam Discussion Papers on Topics Relating to Decentralization and Economic Performance.” Forthcoming in October 2006.
  9. Vu Thanh Tu Anh and Quinn, Brian (2006): “The Market for Pomelos in the Mekong Delta.”
    Prepared under United Nations Development Program Project No. 5088790-01, “UNDP-Vietnam Discussion Papers on Topics Relating to Decentralization and Economic Performance.” Forthcoming in October 2006.
  10. Vu Thanh Tu Anh (2005), “A Long March to Equitization,” William Davidson Institute PolicyBrief No. 33, Michigan University, April 2005.

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