Ph.D, University of East Anglia, UK, United Kingdom
Research interests:
Theories of price and money, business cycles, the functioning of financial markets, and the global economy.
- Pessimism of the intellect pessimism of the will?, with Bernstein, H., Development and Change, 14 No.4, 1983.
- The post-1977 economic strategy: A comparative and theoretical overview, in Dunham, D. and Abeysekera, C. (eds) The Sri Lankan Economy 1977-83, Sri Lanka Social Science Association, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1984.
- Dependency: A critical perspective, Upanathi, Vol.2, No.2, 1987.
- The Sri Lankan Economy: Recent Performance and Future Trends, Pravada, Vol.1, No.1, November, 1991.
- Current Developments in the World Economy and their Significance for Sri Lanka, Pravada, Vol.1, No.2, December, 1991.
- The Economic Consequences of the Total Removal of Exchange Controls, Economic Review (Sri Lanka), 1992.
- Sri Lanka’s Balance of Payments 1978-89: An Exploratory Study, Upanathi, Vol.4, No.3&4, 1992.
- An assessment of the government’s anti-inflationary strategy as outlined in the 1995 Budget, Economic Review (Sri Lanka), April, 1995.
- The Sri Lankan Money Market, The Professional Banker, Sri Lanka, 1996. Development and Change Forum 2005, guest editor, Vol. 36. No.6, 2005.
- Introduction: Putting industrialisation back in development, Development and Change, Vol.36, No.6, 2005.