Dr. Howard Nicholas

Dr. Howard Nicholas


Ph.D, University of East Anglia, UK, United Kingdom

Research interests:
Theories of price and money, business cycles, the functioning of financial markets, and the global economy.

  1. Pessimism of the intellect pessimism of the will?, with Bernstein, H., Development and Change, 14 No.4, 1983.
  2. The post-1977 economic strategy: A comparative and theoretical overview, in Dunham, D. and Abeysekera, C. (eds) The Sri Lankan Economy 1977-83, Sri Lanka Social Science Association, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1984.
  3. Dependency: A critical perspective, Upanathi, Vol.2, No.2, 1987.
  4. The Sri Lankan Economy: Recent Performance and Future Trends, Pravada, Vol.1, No.1, November, 1991.
  5. Current Developments in the World Economy and their Significance for Sri Lanka, Pravada, Vol.1, No.2, December, 1991.
  6. The Economic Consequences of the Total Removal of Exchange Controls, Economic Review (Sri Lanka), 1992.
  7. Sri Lanka’s Balance of Payments 1978-89: An Exploratory Study, Upanathi, Vol.4, No.3&4, 1992.
  8. An assessment of the government’s anti-inflationary strategy as outlined in the 1995 Budget, Economic Review (Sri Lanka), April, 1995.
  9. The Sri Lankan Money Market, The Professional Banker, Sri Lanka, 1996. Development and Change Forum 2005, guest editor, Vol. 36. No.6, 2005.
  10. Introduction: Putting industrialisation back in development, Development and Change, Vol.36, No.6, 2005.

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