James Riedel

James Riedel

Ph.D, University of California at Davis, AB, United States

Research interests:

Economic Development, International Finance, International Trade Theory and Policy

  1. Lessons for Last-Comers from Vietnam’s Transition, Journal of Asian Economics (Elsivier), forthcoming 2014
  2. Expectations and the Cost of Disinflation in Vietnam, Journal of Asian Pacific Economy (Routledge), 2013 (with Tra Pham)
  3. On the Conduct of Monetary Policy in Vietnam, Asia Pacific Economic Literature(Blackwell), 2012 (with Tra Pham).
  4. The Tyranny of Numbers or the Tyranny of Methodology: Explaining the East Asian Growth Experience, Annals of Economics and Finance, 8-2, 385-396 (2007).
  5. Aid and Growth: Reflections on the China and Vietnam, Canadian Institute of International Affairs, 2006. Annals of Economics and Finance.
  6. Capital Market Integration in Developing Asia, The World Economy, 20 (1), January 1997, 1-19. Reprinted in C. Milner, ed., Globalization of the World Economy: Developing and Newly Industrializing Countries, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1998
  7. The Vietnamese Economy in the 1990s, Asia-Pacific Economic Literature, Vol. 11, No.2, November 1997, 58-65.
  8. Modeling NIE Exports: Aggregation, Quantitative Restrictions and Choice of Econometric Methodology, Journal of Development Studies, 33 (1), October 1996, 81- 98, with Premachandra Athukorala.
  9. Demand and Supply Factors in the Determination of NIE Exports: A Simultaneous Error-Correction Model for Hong Kong: A Comment, Economic Journal, vol. 104, no.427, with Premachandra Athukorala.
  10. Economic Relations between Taiwan and the United States, Journal of Asian Economics, vol. 5, no. 3, 1994, 349-366.

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