Research interests:
Economic Development, International Finance, International Trade Theory and Policy
- Lessons for Last-Comers from Vietnam’s Transition, Journal of Asian Economics (Elsivier), forthcoming 2014
- Expectations and the Cost of Disinflation in Vietnam, Journal of Asian Pacific Economy (Routledge), 2013 (with Tra Pham)
- On the Conduct of Monetary Policy in Vietnam, Asia Pacific Economic Literature(Blackwell), 2012 (with Tra Pham).
- The Tyranny of Numbers or the Tyranny of Methodology: Explaining the East Asian Growth Experience, Annals of Economics and Finance, 8-2, 385-396 (2007).
- Aid and Growth: Reflections on the China and Vietnam, Canadian Institute of International Affairs, 2006. Annals of Economics and Finance.
- Capital Market Integration in Developing Asia, The World Economy, 20 (1), January 1997, 1-19. Reprinted in C. Milner, ed., Globalization of the World Economy: Developing and Newly Industrializing Countries, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1998
- The Vietnamese Economy in the 1990s, Asia-Pacific Economic Literature, Vol. 11, No.2, November 1997, 58-65.
- Modeling NIE Exports: Aggregation, Quantitative Restrictions and Choice of Econometric Methodology, Journal of Development Studies, 33 (1), October 1996, 81- 98, with Premachandra Athukorala.
- Demand and Supply Factors in the Determination of NIE Exports: A Simultaneous Error-Correction Model for Hong Kong: A Comment, Economic Journal, vol. 104, no.427, with Premachandra Athukorala.
- Economic Relations between Taiwan and the United States, Journal of Asian Economics, vol. 5, no. 3, 1994, 349-366.