Lorenzo Pellegrini

Lorenzo Pellegrini

Ph.D, The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Research interests:

Governance and Environmental Policies, Corruption, Institutional Settings and Collective Action in Environmental Management, Forestry and Poverty Reduction, Natural Resources Dependency and Poverty, Extraction of Non-renewable Resources, Institutional Det

  1. 2014-present Co-lead author of a proposal on the impact of environmental standards on trade patterns awarded by the Standards and Trade Development Facility of the World Trade Organization. Value 306,000 USD.
  2. 2013-present Co-lead author of the research proposal “Nationalization of extractive industries, conflict and co-operation in Latin America, NEBE” this is an expansion of the existing NEBE project to Peru (see below) following a positive mid-term review; awarded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and by HIVOS (Dutch NGO). Value 505,000 euros.
  3. 2010-present Researcher for the IOB/Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs studies on the impact of Energy projects in Rwanda (grid expansion and biodigesters).
    Co-lead author of the research proposal “Nationalization of extractive industries, conflict and co-operation in Bolivia and Ecuador, NEBE” awarded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and by HIVOS (Dutch NGO). Value 791,000 euros.
  4. 2006-present Participation in numerous research and capacity building projects: Unillanos (Colombia), Ho Chi Minh Academy (Vietnam), Bhutan Royal Auditing Authority, andUniversity of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).
  5. 2013 Grant by the Rockefeller Foundation to hold a workshop at the Bellagio Center with European and Latin American researchers and civil society actors working onextraction of non-renewable resources. Value of approximately 40,000 euros.
  6. 2011 Travel grant to host Prof. Fander Falconi (Flacso Ecuador, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, currently Minister of Planning of Ecuador), by the Netherlands Organizationfor Scientific Research (NWO), Value 6,400 euros.
  7. 2010 Co-lead author of the refresher course proposal “Sustainable Natural Resource Management in Latin America: Innovations in Market-Based and State-Led Mechanisms” awarded by NUFFIC. Value 75,000 euros.
  8. 2006-2008 Researcher in the SIDA-funded project evaluating the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) in Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua
  9. 2003-2004 Marie Curie Fellowship at the SPIRE (School of Politics, International Relations and
    the Environment), Keele University, UK. Value of 10,000 euros
  10. 2003 Research stay with Prof. Daniel Bromley, at the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Wisconsin-Madison University, USA. Travel grant from VU Amsterdam, 5,000 euros.

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