Trần Quang Văn

Trần Quang Văn

Ph.D, University of Göttingen, Germany

I earned a master degree in Development Economics from VNP in 2004, doctorate degree in Development Economics from University of Gottingen in 2013. I am currently working at University of Economics and Law. My research interest are poverty, human development, climate change impacts.

Research interests:

Development economics

  1. Static and Dynamic Disparities between Monetary and Multidimensional Poverty Measurement: Evidence from Vietnam, Research on Economic Inequality 23: 249 – 281, 2015.
    Powered by Scopus. 19 citation.
  2. Household’s coping strategies and recoveries from shocks in Vietnam, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 56: 15–29, 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.qref.2014.06.006.
    Powered by Scopus. 13 citation.
  3. Income diversity and poverty transitions: Evidence from Vietnam, World Food Policy 2 (2) / 3
    (1): 104 – 120, 2016. doi: 10.18278/wfp.
  4. Determinants of child health outcomes: Evidence from Vietnam, Asia – Pacific Economic Review
    492: 32-34.
  1. Climate change impact in Mekong River Delta, budget 1 mil. Euros funded by Agence Française de Développement.
  2. Impacts of coastal erosion in Vietnam: Theoretical models and empirical approaches. Funded by National National Foundation for Science and Technology (with Manh-Hung Nguyen)
  3. The relationship between growth and sustainable development. A module of KX.04.10/16-20 project.
  4. Determinants of changes in total factor productivity: Evidence from firms in Vietnam. Funded by Vietnam National University.
  1. Static and Dynamic Disparities between Monetary and Multidimensional Poverty Measurement: Evidence from Vietnam. OPHI Working Paper 97, 2015. University of Oxford.
    10 citation.
  2. Disparities between monetary and multidimensional measurements of poverty. Paper Prepared for the IARIW 33rd General Conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands, August 24-30, 2014.
  3. Poverty Dynamics in Rural Vietnam. Paper prepared for the Labour Economics 2011, Xiamen, China, December.
  4. Gender issues’, in Bases for Territory-based Rural Development in Southeast Region, Vietnam, Nguyen, VN. and Le, TL. (eds). Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC): Vietnam National University (VNU) Publisher. 2008.
  5. Territorial heterogeneity: infrastructure and territory’, in Bases for Territory-based Rural Development in Southeast Region, Vietnam, Nguyen, VN. and Le, TL. (eds). Ho Chi Minh City: VNU Publisher. 2008.
  6. Food security and rural development’, in Bases for Territory-based Rural Development in Southeast Region, Vietnam, Nguyen, VN. and Le, TL. (eds). Ho Chi Minh City: VNU Publisher. 2008.
  7. Synthesis of diagnosis’, in Bases for Territory-based Rural Development in Southeast Region, Vietnam, Nguyen, VN. and Le, TL. (eds). HCMC: VNU Publisher. 2008.
  8. Changes in income inequality in Southeast Vietnam’, in Sustainable Development in Vietnam, Vietnam National University (ed). Ho Chi Minh City: VNU Publisher. 2007.

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