Vietnam Economic Lectures [VEL] | How Stats Being Used. Some stories

Vietnam Economic Lectures [VEL] | How Stats Being Used. Some stories

Vietnam Economic Lectures [VEL] | How stats being used. Some stories


Presenter: Dr. Dang Quang Vinh, Head of Data Science at Be Group.

Time: 18h00, 09/03/2021

Place: 1A Hoang Dieu Str, Phú Nhuận Dist


About presenter

Head of Data Science at Be Group.

PhD in Computer Science from Inria, France.

Data Transformation Consultant

Lecturer @ IUH

Research interests:

  • Data Science / ML in general
  • Fairness & Bias in ML
  • Compliance in ML
  • NLP for legal knowledge
  • Financial Markets
  • Cybersecurity

Vinh Dang earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Universite de Lorraine & Inria Nancy Grand-Est, Nancy, France in Jan 2018. He is holding Bachelor in Computer Science from the University of Engineering and Technology – Vietnam National University Hanoi (DH Công nghệ – ĐH Quốc gia Hà Nội) in 2009, Bachelor in Law from Hanoi Law University (2013), and a Master degree in Financial Engineering (2021). Currently, he is working as the head of data science at a Vietnamese bank, while consulting data science and AI for several manufacturing groups in Vietnam. Before that, he was holding a data scientist position at Tyme Bank (South Africa), Trusting Social (Vietnam), and TMC (the Netherlands). He does have some management experience by working as a project manager and tech leader at DirecTV (USA).

In his spare time, Vinh taught courses that he wants to learn more about at several universities, including the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh city (ĐH Công nghiệp TP.HCM), HCM University of Education (ĐH Sư phạm TP.HCM) and HCM UIT (ĐH Công nghệ thông tin – ĐH Quốc gia TP.HCM). He is also active in scientific research that leads to about 10 ISI/Scopus papers in 2020 and several ones in the review in 2021. His research interests include machine learning, cyber-security, financial engineering, and natural language processing.


Được triển khai từ khóa 26, VEL – Vietnam Economic Lectures là chuỗi các buổi học ngoại khóa dành riêng cho học viên lớp Thạc sĩ Kinh tế ứng dụng MAE của chương trình Việt Nam – Hà Lan. Mục đích của VEL nhằm cung cấp cho các bạn học viên những tình huống/ kỹ năng thực tiễn liên quan đến nội dung một môn học cụ thể trong chương trình đào tạo. Diễn giả trình bày trong các buổi VEL thường là các chuyên gia/học giả/doanh nhân giàu kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực liên quan.

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