Chương trình Việt Nam – Hà Lan (Vietnam – The Netherlands Programme) tự hào với bề dày lịch sử 30 năm đào tạo Thạc sĩ & Tiến sĩ hợp tác giữa Đại học Erasmus Rotterdam Hà Lan (top 2% thế giới) và Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (Top #1 Đại học tốt nhất tại Việt Nam).
Chương trình học được giảng dạy hoàn toàn bằng tiếng Anh bởi các chuyên gia kinh tế hàng đầu, cung cấp cho học viên khối kiến thức vững chắc và chuyên sâu về kinh tế, tài chính và các công cụ phân tích. Đầu ra đáp ứng và cung cấp nguồn lực cho nhiều vị trí công việc thuộc các lĩnh vực như: ngân hàng, tổ chức tài chính, phân tích, tư vấn doanh nghiệp trong ngoài nước, tập đoàn tài chính đa quốc gia, tổ chức phi chính phủ, trường Đại học, viện nghiên cứu, cơ quan chính phủ.
Chương trình học bao gồm 3 học phần chính:
Phân tích sự vận hành của nền kinh tế, cơ chế các công ty ra quyết định sản xuất kinh doanh, phân tích hành vi người tiêu dùng và hộ gia đình, cơ chế thương mại trước các thách thức cạnh tranh toàn cầu và biến đổi khí hậu.
Danh sách môn học: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Development Issues & Business Cycles, Environmental Economics, Project Appraisal, Urban Economics, International Trade
Phân tích quyết định tài chính trong doanh nghiệp, luồng chu chuyển vốn quốc tế, cơ chế vận hành các định chế tài chính và thị trường tài chính.
Danh sách môn học: Money Banking & Financial Markets, Corporate Finance, International Finance, Development Finance, Behavioral Finance.
Kỹ năng thu thập, xử lý và phân tích dữ liệu sử dụng các công cụ thống kê, kinh tế lượng và khoa học dữ liệu; kỹ năng viết tiếng Anh học thuật và tư duy phản biện; phương pháp tiếp cận vấn đề hệ thống.
Danh sách môn học: Statistics for Business and Economics, Academic Writing, Econometrics, Research Methodology, Data Science, Philosophy.
Thực hành phương pháp kết hợp dữ liệu vào hệ thống kiến thức kinh tế, tài chính nhằm đưa ra bằng chứng giúp xác định hướng giải quyết các vấn đề trong tổ chức hay nền kinh tế, hoặc đưa ra các dự báo về sự vận hành của nền kinh tế, về hành vi người sản xuất và người tiêu dùng. Học viên được lựa chọn hướng luận văn thực tiễn hoặc học thuật.
Học viên tốt nghiệp chương trình MAE sẽ được cấp:
- Bằng Thạc sĩ Kinh tế ứng dụng MAE (Master of Science in Applied Economics) do UEH cấp
- Chứng nhận Chất lượng Bằng Thạc sĩ Kinh tế Ứng dụng do ISS, ĐH Erasmus Rotterdam cấp
- Bảng điểm UEH và ISS, ĐH Erasmus Rotterdam cùng xác nhận
Thời gian học: 1,5 năm tại Việt Nam và 6 tháng tại Hà Lan
Học viên nhận được hai bằng thạc sĩ khi tham gia chương trình DDP:
- Bằng Master of Development Studies (ISS, ĐH Erasmus Rotterdam cấp)
- Bằng Master of Science in Applied Economics (UEH cấp)
Thạc sĩ Bằng đôi DDP là lựa chọn đem lại nhiều lợi ích: tiết kiệm thời gian, tiết kiệm chi phí, cơ hội trải nghiệm môi trường giáo dục đa văn hóa, gia tăng mối quan hệ xã hội và học thuật xuyên quốc gia đồng thời mở rộng cơ hội việc làm.
Quy trình học:
- Nộp hồ sơ ứng tuyển chương trình Thạc sĩ MAE
- Học 1 năm đầu tại Việt Nam với 10 môn trong chương trình học Thạc sĩ MAE, thuộc học phần Kinh tế, Tài chính và Công cụ phân tích.
- Chuẩn bị tiếng Anh (IELTS từ 6.5) để nộp hồ sơ đăng ký chương trình Bằng đôi
- Chuyển tiếp qua Hà Lan học 6 tháng với các môn học về Kinh tế toàn cầu, Các vấn đề phát triển và Phương pháp định lượng nâng cao.
- Hoàn thành luận văn tốt nghiệp trong 6 tháng tại VN dưới sự hướng dẫn của giảng viên VN và Hà Lan
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) nằm trong top 2% các trường đại học hàng đầu trên thế giới, đặt tại thành phố Rotterdam năng động và đa văn hóa. Được thành lập từ năm 1913, đến nay EUR là một trong những trường đại học lớn nhất của Hà Lan với hơn 29.000 sinh viên và quy tụ gần 1.400 nhà nghiên cứu.
Viện Quốc tế Khoa học Xã hội (International Institute of Social Studies – ISS), thuộc Đại học Erasmus Rotterdam, có chức năng đào tạo, nghiên cứu với định hướng chính sách và các vấn đề khoa học xã hội. Viện ISS đứng hàng đầu trên thế giới về chương trình Thạc sĩ Nghiên cứu Phát triển.
Quá trình hợp tác giữa UEH và ISS/EUR bắt đầu từ năm 1994 và ngày càng phát triển bền vững với các chương trình đào tạo Thạc sĩ MAE, Thạc sĩ Bằng đôi DDP và Tiến sĩ JDP.
Vì Sao Nên Chọn Học Thạc Sĩ Tại VNP ?
Tham gia giảng dạy tại VNP là đội ngũ giảng viên kì cựu trong và ngoài nước, có trình độ chuyên môn ưu tú, tận tâm với nghề
100% giảng viên được đào tạo tiến sĩ từ các trường Đại học danh tiếng như Erasmus University Rotterdam (Hà Lan), Baylor University (Mỹ), Gothenburg University (Thụy Điển), Western Australia (Úc), Uniersity of Alberta (Canada), Kiel University (Đức)
Bằng cấp chương trình thạc sĩ VNP được công nhận tại Việt Nam và quốc tế:
- Học viên tốt nghiệp VNP được nhận học bổng tiến sĩ từ nhiều trường đại học danh tiếng trên thế giới
- Bằng Thạc sĩ của VNP được công nhận tương đương với Bằng Thạc sĩ tại Mỹ và Canada bởi World Education Services (WES)
- Chương trình giảng dạy và kết quả đánh giá môn học tại VNP được các trường Đại học nước ngoài chấp nhận chuyển đổi
Chương trình phù hợp với các học viên định hướng làm việc trong lĩnh vực:
- Các tổ chức tài chính, ngân hàng
- Trường Đại học, Viện nghiên cứu
- Bộ phận nghiên cứu, phân tích của các doanh nghiệp nước ngoài
- Các vị trí cố vấn cho các doanh nghiệp trong ngoài nước
- Các cơ quan chính phủ và tổ chức phi chính phủ
Chương trình đào tạo thạc sĩ của VNP 10 năm liền đạt chứng nhận kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục chuẩn quốc tế của tổ chức FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation)
Assoc.Prof. Phạm Khánh Nam
Hiệu trưởng trường Kinh tế, Luật & Quản lý nhà nước UEH
PhD, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Dr. Pham Khanh Nam is currently the Academic Director and a lecturer of the Vietnam – The Netherlands program (VNP). He is also the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, HCMC University of Economics (UEH School of Economics), Director of the Institute of Environmental Economics in Southeast Asia (EEPSEA). He held a PhD in Economics from the University of Gothenburg in 2011 with the study: “Prosocial Behaviour, Social Interaction and Development: Experimental Evidence from Vietnam.” His research interests include environmental, behavioral and experimental economics.
Environmental issues such as climate change, water and air pollution are increasingly becoming the spotlight in international debates. Dr. Pham Khanh Nam’s research focuses on analyzing the impact of pollutants on the environment, providing quantitative models, and suggesting related policies. In particular, his research focuses on regions that are negatively affected by climate change such as Vietnam. These scientific works are highly appreciated, being published in high-ranking international research journals such as Oxford Economic Papers, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Economics & Psychology, Journal of Development Studies and Land Use Policy. In specific, the study on the stability of social preferences was published in the Journal of Public Economics, which is a leading journal in the field of public economics.
Pham Khanh Nam is the scientific secretary of the Economic Council, National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED). He has consulted for the World Bank (WB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on Vietnam’s environmental policy report. He also participated in commenting on the Law on Environmental Protection in 2020 and other policy research and development groups.
At VNP, he teaches Environmental Economics and Research Methods, and is a member of VNP’s scientific council. He is also an alumnus of the 4th course of the Vietnam-Netherlands program, having obtained a Master’s degree from VNP in 1999.
1. Nguyen T. B. Hong, Truong T. Hiep, Norman M. and Pham K. Nam (2021) Flood risk and buyer search behavior in Ho Chi Minh City. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis. Forthcoming.
2. Truong D. Thuy, Vo Q. Tuan, Pham K. Nam (2021) Does the devolution of forest management help conserve mangrove in the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam? Land Use Policy, 106.
3. Ebele Amaechina, Anthony Amoah, Franklin Amuakwa-Mensah, Salome Amuakwa Mensah, Edward Bbaale, Jorge A. Bonilla, Johanna Brühl, Joseph Cook, Nnaemeka Chukwuone, David Fuente, Róger Madrigal-Ballestero, Rolando Marín, Pham Khanh Nam, Jackson Otieno, Roberto Ponce, Carlos A. Saldarriaga, Felipe Vasquez Lavin, Bárbara Viguera and Martine Visser (2020) Policy Note: Policy Responses to Ensure Access to Water and Sanitation Services During COVID-19: Snapshots from the Environment for Development (EfD) Network, Water Economics and Policy, Vol. 06, No. 04.
4. Sterner, T., Carson, R., Hafstead, M., Howard, P.,Carlsson, S., Köhlin, G., Parry, I., Rafaty, R., Somanatan, E., Steckel, J., Whittington, D., Alpizar, F., Ambec, S., Aravena, C., Bonilla, J., Daniels, R., Garcia, J., Harring, N., Kacker, K., Kerr, S., Medhin, H., Pham K. Nam, Romero, G., Johansson-Stenman, O., Toman, M., Xu, J., Wang, M. (2020) Carbon pricing – Funding Inclusive Green Transition through Greenhouse Gas Pricing. DICE Report 18 (1), 3-8.
5. TD Thuy, PK Nam, D Whittington (2020) Households’ Perceptions of “Reasonable” Water Bills in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Water Economics and Policy, (6)
6. Nam, P.K., Sepehri, A., Tue, L. & Van, T. (2020) Correlates of body mass index among primary school children in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Public Health Vol. 181, 65 – 72.
7. Vieider, F., Martinsson, P., Nam, P. and Nghi, T. (2018) Risk preferences and Development Revisited. Theory and Decision, Vol. 86 (1): 1–21.
8. Carlsson, F., Johansson-Stenman, O and P. Nam (2015) Funding a new bridge in Vietnam: A field experiment on conditional cooperation and default contribution. Oxford Economic Papers, doi: 10.1093/oep/gpv039.
9. Jin Jianjun, Gao Yiwei, Wang Xiaomin & Pham Khanh Nam (2015) Farmers‟ risk preferences and their climate change adaptation strategies in the Yongqiao District, China, Land Use Policy, Volume 47, 365-372.
10. Carlsson, F., Johansson-Stenman, O and P. K. Nam (2014) Social preferences are stable over long period of time. Journal of Public Economics. Vol. 117, 104 – 114.
11. Martinsson, P., Nam, P. and C. Villegas (2013) Conditional cooperation and disclosure in developing countries? The Journal of Economic Psychology. Vol. 34, 148–155.
12. Özdemir, S., Elliott, M., Brown, J., Nam, P., Hien, V., and M. Sobsey (2011) “Practices, Preferences and Attitudes for Rainwater Harvesting in Mekong Delta, Vietnam”. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. Vol 1, No 3 pp 171 – 177.
13. Carlsson, F., Nam, P., Martinsson, P. and M. Linde-Rahr (2007). “Are Vietnamese Farmers Concerned with their Relative Position in Society” Journal of Development Studies 43 (7) pp 1177 – 1188.
1. Thong, H., Nie, Z., Alpizar, F., Carlsson, F. and Nam, P. (2020) Celebrity endorsement in promoting pro-environmental behavior. Gothenburg University – Working Papers in Economics No. 795.
2. Corbett Grainger, Gunnar Köhlin, Jessica Coria, Dale Whittington, Jintao Xu, Eswaran Somanathan, Reza Daniels, Pham Khanh Nam, Xun Wu, and Enamul Haque (2020) Scaling Up Private Sector Participation and Use of Market-Based Approaches for Environmental Management – Opportunities for Scaling Up Market-Based Approaches to Environmental Management in Asia. Asian Development Bank – Research and Development Technical Assistance (R-RDTA) Number: 9093.
3. Björk, L., Kocher, M., Martinsson, P. and P. Nam (2017) Cooperation under risk and ambiguity, University of Gothenburg Working Papers in Economics, No 683.
4. Nam, P.K., Ekayani, E., Nabachang, O., Subade, R. and C. Chea (2015) Valuation of Ecosystem Functions and Services provided by Mangrove Ecosystems in Southeast Asia: Literature Review and Assessment. EEPSEA Research Report.
5. Nam, P.K., Thuy, T., and Quang, N. (2015) Valuation of mangrove resources in Ben Tre province. UEH-SE Working paper.
6. Nam, P., Nghi, T., Son, T. & P. Binh (2013) Business plan: Recovery of Lagi‟s inshore fishery. ISU Working paper.
7. Nam, P. & N. Quan (2013) Investment incentives for renewable energy in Vietnam. IISD Working paper.
8. Vieider, F. M., Martinsson, P., Nam, P., Chong, J., Chou, P., Mahasuweerachai, P., & Truong, N. (2013). Risk, Uncertainty, and Ambiguity Attitudes of students in South-East-Asian: Evidence from Cambodia, China, Thailand, and Vietnam. EEPSEA Working Paper.
9. Vieider, F. M., Martinsson, P., Nam, P. & Truong, N. (2013). Risk Preferences and Development Revisited: A Field Experiment in Vietnam. EEPSEA Working Paper.
10. Nam, P. K. (2011) Social capital and private adaptation to climate change: evidence from the Mekong river delta in Vietnam. Working Paper. Department of Economics. University of Gothenburg.
11. Hess, S., van Beukering, P.,Kayharara,G., Mchallo,I., Nyamwihura, G., Nam, P..and T. Thuy.(2007)„Are forest dwellers willing to participate in a scheme of Payment for environmental Services: a choice experiment in the Coastal Forest of Tanzania‟. Working paper. PREM Programme – Institute for Environmental Studies – Vrije University, the Netherlands.
12. Nam, P. K., Son, T. and H. Cesar (2005). „Economic valuation of the Hon Mun Marine Protected Area‟, PREM Working paper 05-13, Vrije Universiteit, the Netherlands (available at
13. Nam, P. K., Son, T., Cesar H. and R. Pollnac (2005). „Financial sustainability of the Hon Mun Marine Protected Area‟. PREM Working paper 05-14, Vrije Universiteit, the Netherlands (available at
14. Nam, P. K. & T. Son (2004). „Recreational value of the coral surrounding the Hon Mun islands in Vietnam: a Travel Cost and Contingent Valuation Study‟ in Mahfuzuddin Ahmed, ChiewKieok Chong and Herman Cesar (eds). 2004. Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs. WorldFish Center Conference Proceedings 70, 222p.
15. Son, T.V.H., Uyen, L. and P. Nam (2002). Introduction to Cost Benefit Analysis. National University Press. Ho Chi Minh City. (in Vietnamese)
16. Son, T.V.H. & P. Nam (2002). „Socio-economic impacts of the My Thuan Bridge‟ (2002). AusAid. Ho Chi Minh City.
1. Nam, P.K. (2015) “Conservation versus Development: Valuation of Coral Reefs Questions Port Expansion Plan in Vietnam”. In “Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Valuations, Institutions and Policies in Southeast Asia”, ed. Olewiler, N., Francisco, H. and Ferrer, A. Springer.
2. Nam, P.K. (2013). ”Economics of conservation for the Hon Mun Marine Protected Area in Vietnam”. In “Nature’s Wealth”, ed. Beukering, P. Brouwer, R., Bouma, J., and E. Papyrakis. Cambridge University Press.
3. Vietnam Environment Administration (2011). Guidelines for Conducting Cost Benefit Analysis of Biodiversity Conservation in Wetland National Parks. Judicial Publishing House. Hanoi (In Vietnamese)
4. Nam, P. and T. Son (2009). „Household Demand for Improved Water Services in Ho Chi Minh City: A Comparison of Contingent Valuation and Choice Modelling Approaches‟. In “The Economics of Environmental Management in Vietnam” ed. Hermi Francisco and Bui Dung The. IDRC – EEPSEA. Singapore.
5. Nam, P. K. (2008). Environment and Development. In „Textbook on Development Economics‟. ed. Nguyen Trong Hoai. Ho Chi Minh National University Press. (in Vietnamese).
Assoc.Prof. Arjun Singh Bedi
Điều phối viên, Đại diện ISS tại Việt Nam
Ph.D, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Geneva
Arjun Singh Bedi
Ph.D, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Geneva
Research interests:
Human capital (Education and Health) – investments and returns, Child labour and education, Labour Markets – Wage and employment dynamics, Information Technology and Economic Development, Economic reforms and socio-cultural practices in India
- “Linking social protection schemes: The joint effects of a public works and a health insurance program in Ethiopia” (with Zemzem Shigute, Christoph Strupat, Francesco Burchi, Getnet Alemu), Journal of Development Studies. Available online on January 20, 2019.
- “Effects of decentralized health care financing on maternal care in Indonesia” (with Renate Hartwig, Robert Sparrow, Sri Budiyati, Athia Yumma, Nila Warda, Asep Suryahadi), forthcoming in Economic Development and Cultural Change. Available online, at - “The impact of Ethiopia’s pilot community based health insurance scheme on healthcare utilization and cost of care” (with Anagaw Mebratie, Robert Sparrow, Zelalem Yilma, Degnet Abebaw, Getnet Alemu) Social Science and Medicine 220 (2019): 112–119.
- “Indonesia’s Domestic Biogas Programme – Household panel survey data” (with Robert Sparrow, Luca Tasciotti) Data in Brief 17 (2018): 1388-1390.
- “The Impact of a Household Biogas Programme on Energy Use and Expenditure in East Java” (with Robert Sparrow, Luca Tasciotti), Energy Economics 68 (2017): 66-76.
- Gender and Policing Norms: Evidence from Survey Experiments among Police Officers in Uganda (with Natascha Wagner, Matthias Rieger, Wil Hout). Journal of African Economies 26, No. 4 (2017):492-515.
- “The Evolution of Child Labor in Portugal, 1850-2001” (with Pedro Goulart). Social Science History 41, No. 2 (2017): 227-254.
- “Uptake of Health Insurance and the Productive Safety Net Program in Rural Ethiopia” (with Zemzem Shigute, Anagaw Mebratie, Robert Sparrow, Zelalem Yilma, Getnet Alemu). Social Science and Medicine 176 (2017): 133-141.
- “Intuitive Help and Punishment in the Field” (with Luis Artavia-Mora, Matthias Rieger). European Economic Review 92 (2017): 133-145.
- “Universal Health Coverage at the Macro Level: Synthetic Control Evidence from Thailand (with Natascha Wagner and Matthias Rieger). Social Science & Medicine 172 (2017): 46-55.
- “Interest in School and Educational Success in Portugal” (with Pedro Goulart). Journal of Educational Research 110 No. 6 (2017): 589-603.
- “Sub-national Health Care Financing Reforms in Indonesia” (with Robert Sparrow, Sri Budiyati, Athia Yumna, Nila Warda, Asep Suryahadi). Health Policy and Planning 32 (2017): 91-101.
- “War on Piracy: The Conflation of Somali Piracy with Terrorism in Discourse, Tactic and Law” (with Currun Singh). Security Dialogue 47 (2016): 440–458.
- “Protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating mobile short message services (SMS) to promote retention and adherence to anti-retroviral therapy for people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in Burkina Faso” (with Wagner N, Ouedraogo D, Artavia-Mora L, Thiombiano BA) Journal of Medical Internet Research 5(3), 2016. DOI: doi:10.2196/resprot.5823
- “Renewing membership in three community-based health insurance schemes in rural India” (with Pradeep Panda, Arpita Chakraborty, Wameq Raza). Health Policy and Planning 31, No. 10 (2016):1433-1444.
- “Healthcare Seeking Behavior among Self-help Group Households in Rural Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India” (with Wameq Raza, Ellen van de Poel, David Dror, Pradeep Panda). BMC Health Services Research 16:1 (2016). DOI: 10.1186/s12913-015-1254-9.
- “Impact of community based health insurance on access to care and financial protection: Evidence from three randomized control trials in rural India” (with Wameq A Raza, Ellen Van de Poel, Frans Rutten). Health Economics 25 (2016): 675–687.
- “Impact of Ethiopia’s Community Based Health Insurance on household economic welfare” (with Zelalem Yilma, Anagaw Mebratie, Robert Sparrow, Marleen Dekker, Getnet Alemu). World Bank Economic Review 29 (2015): S164-S173.
- “Dropping out of Ethiopia’s Community Based Health Insurance Scheme” (with Anagaw Mebratie, Robert Sparrow, Zelalem Yilma, Getnet Alemu). Health Policy and Planning 30 (2015): 1296-1306.
- “Enrolment in Ethiopia’s Community Based Health Insurance Scheme” (with Anagaw Mebratie, Robert Sparrow, Zelalem Yilma, Getnet Alemu). World Development 74 (2015): 58-76.
- “Sickness and Death: Economic Consequences and Coping Strategies of the Urban Poor in Bangladesh” (with Farid Khan, Robert Sparrow). World Development 72 (2015): 255-266.
- “The effects of Rwanda’s Biogas Program on energy expenditure and fuel use” (with Luca Tasciotti, Lorenzo Pellegrini). World Development 67 (2015): 461-474.
- “Enrollment in Community Based Health Insurance Schemes in Rural Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India” (with Pradeep Panda, Arpita Chakraborty, David Dror). Health Policy and Planning 29 no.8 (2014): 960-974.
- “Coping with shocks in rural Ethiopia” (with Zelalem Yilma, Anagaw Mebratie, Robert Sparrow, Degnet Abebaw, Marleen Dekker, Getnet Alemu). Journal of Development Studies 50 no.7 (2014):1009-1024.
- “Transnational Trafficking, Law Enforcement and Victim Protection: A Middleman Trafficker’s Perspective” (with Randy Akee, Arnab Basu and Nancy Chau). Journal of Law and Economics 57 no. 2 (2014): 349-386.
- “Child Malnutrition and Antenatal Care” (with Nohora Forero, Luis Gamboa, Robert Sparrow). Pan American Journal of Public Health 35 no. 3(2014):163–71.
- “Health care seeking behavior in rural Ethiopia: Evidence from clinical vignettes” (with Anagaw Mebratie, Ellen Van de Poel, Zelalem Yilma, Degnet Abebaw, Getnet Alemu). British Medical Journal Open 4 (2014): doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004020.
- “Regional dimensions of Somali piracy and militant Islamism: anthropological and econometric evidence” (with Currun Singh)”. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 19 no. 3(2013): 369-380). doi: 10.1515/peps-2013-0037. On October 23, 2013, an op-ed in the International New York Times referred to this paper.
- “The Dynamics of Job Creation and Job Destruction in an African Economy: Evidence from Ethiopia” (with Admasu Shiferaw). Journal of African Economies 22 no. 5 (2013): 651-692 (lead article).
- “Census 2011 and Child Sex Ratios in Tamil Nadu” (with S. Srinivasan). Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 14 no. 3 (2013): 441-451.
- “Foreign Direct Investment, Black Economic Empowerment and Labour Productivity in South Africa” (with Anagaw Derseh Mebratie) Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 22 no. 1 (2013): 94-115.
- “Impact of Ethiopian pilot community-based health insurance scheme on health-care utilisation: a household panel data analysis” (with Anagaw Mebratie, Robert Sparrow, Zelalem Yilma, Degnet Abebaw, Getnet Alemu) The Lancet 381, Supplement 2, Page S92 (17–19 June 2013). Peerreviewed abstract.
- “Ensuring Daughter Survival in Tamil Nadu” (with Sharada Srinivasan). Oxford Development Studies 39 no.3 (2011): 253-283. Reprinted in Chinese in Li, Shuzhuo, Shang Zijuan and Yang Bo (eds.) (2012) Gender and sustainable social development, pp.298-333. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China).
- “Marital Violence and Women’s Employment and Property Status: Evidence from North Indian Villages” (with Manasi Bhattacharyya and Amrita Chhachhi). World Development 39 no. 9 (2011):1676-1689.
- “Unemployment Assistance and Transition to Employment in Argentina” (with Ana Iturriza and Robert Sparrow). Economic Development and Cultural Change 59 no. 4 (2011): 811-837.
- “Guyana’s Poverty Reduction Strategy and Social Expenditure” (with Niek de Jong). European Journal of Development Research 23 (2011): 229-248.
- “The Impact of a Cash Transfer Program on Cognitive Achievement: The Bono de Desarrollo of Ecuador” (with Juan Ponce). Economics of Education Review 29 no. 1 (2010): 116-125.
- “Combating Trafficking in Women and Children: A Review of International and National Legislation, Coordination Failures and Perverse Economic Incentives” (with Randall Akee, Arnab Basu, Nancy Chau). The Protection Project: Journal of Human Rights and Civil Society 2, Fall 2009, pp. 1-24.
- “Remittances, Liquidity Constraints and Human Capital Investments in Ecuador” (with Carla Calero and Robert Sparrow). World Development 37 no. 6 (2009):1143-1154.
- “Tamil Nadu and the diagonal divide in sex ratios” (with Sharada Srinivasan). Economic and Political Weekly 44 no. 3 (2009): 56-63.
- “Daughter Elimination in Tamil Nadu, India: A Tale of Two Ratios” (with Sharada Srinivasan). Journal of Development Studies 44 no. 7 (2008): 961–990
- “Child Labour and Educational Success in Portugal (with Pedro Goulart). Economics of Education Review 27 no. 5 (2008):575-587, doi:10.1016/j.econedurev.2007.07.002. In January 2011, references to this study were made on the websites of four major Portuguese television channels, at least 8 national and 7 regional newspapers including the front page of Correio do Minho.
- “Domestic Violence and Dowry: Evidence from a South Indian Village” (with Sharada Srinivasan). World Development 35 no. 5 (2007): 857-880.
- The Decline in Primary School Enrolment in Kenya.” (with Kimalu, Nafula and Manda). Journal of African Economies 13 no. 1 (2004): 1-43 (lead article). This paper was awarded a second prize in a research competition on the theme Pro-Market Reform and the Poor, organized by the Global Development Network in January 2004.
- “Gender Pay Differentials during the Transition in Poland.” (with Vera Adamchik). Economics of Transition. 11 no. 4 (2003): 697-726.
- “Schooling Costs and Child Work in Rural Pakistan.” (with Gautam Hazarika). Journal of Development Studies. 39 no. 5 (2003): 29-64
- “Primary School Attendance in Honduras.” (with Jeffery Marshall). Journal of Development Economics. 69 no. 1 (2002): 129-53.
“The Impact of School Quality on Earnings and Educational Returns- Evidence from a LowIncome Country.” (with John H.Y. Edwards). Journal of Development Economics 68 no. 1(2002): 157-85. In 2002, this paper was among the top 25 requested papers from the JDE’s website. - “Wages and Wage Growth in Poland: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment.” (with Andrzej Cieslik). Economics of Transition 10 no. 1 (2002): 1-27 (lead article). Translated into Russian for the Central European Almanac.
- “The Effectiveness of Private versus Public Schools: The case of Indonesia.” (with Ashish Garg). Journal of Development Economics 61 no. 2 (2000): 463-494.
- “Wage Differentials between the Public and Private Sectors: Evidence from an Economy in Transition.” (with Vera Adamchik). Labour Economics 7 no. 2 (2000): 203-224.
- “Forms of Foreign Investor’s Activity and Diffusion of Intellectual Capital in Polish Industry.” (with Andrzej Cieslik). Ekonomista 4 (1999): 419-439.
- “Foreign Direct Investment and Wage Disparity in Poland.”(with Andrzej Cieslik). Gospodarka Narodowa 11-12 (1999): 40-50.
- “Using Variation in Schooling Availability to Estimate Educational Returns for Honduras.” (with Noel Gaston). Economics of Education Review 18 no. 1 (1999): 107-116.
- “School Attendance and Student Achievement: Evidence From Rural Honduras.” (with Jeffery Marshall). Economic Development and Cultural Change 47 no. 3 (1999): 657-682.
- “Sector Choice, Multiple Job Holding and Wage Differentials: Evidence from Poland.” Journal of Development Studies 35 no. 1 (1998): 162-179.
- “Returns to Endogenous Education: The Case of Honduras.” (with Noel Gaston). Applied Economics 29 no. 4 (1997): 519-528.
- “The Importance of School Quality as a Determinant of Earnings in a Developing Country: Evidence from Honduras.” International Journal of Educational Development 17 no.4 (1997): 427-437.
- “Wage Determinants in Honduras: Credentials Versus Human Capital.” (with Jason Born). Social and Economic Studies 44 no. 1 (1995): 143-161.
Assoc.Prof. Matthias Rieger
Ph.D, Graduate Institute Of International And Development Studies (Iheid), Geneva
Matthias Rieger
Ph.D, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Geneva
Associate Professor Doctor Matthias Rieger is currently a coordinator for the Vietnam – The Netherlands Program (VNP) in the Netherlands and a senior lecturer in Development Economics at the International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is also a micro-development economist with interests in experimental and health economics. He did his PhD in International Economics at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Geneva and his thesis studies the impact of civil war on the spread of HIV/Aids in Burundi, as well as the dynamics and determinants of nutrition and health capital in Senegal and Cambodia.
With his experiences and expertise in Development Economics, Experimental Economics, Applied Microeconometrics, Impact Evaluation Methods, Household Surveys, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matthias Rieger’s research combines household surveys with experimental economics, where he analyses with rigorous micro-econometric techniques, published on numerous international research journal, such as American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Health Economics, Economics and Human Biology, Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, and The Journals of Gerontology.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matthias Rieger is a regular consultant for the World Bank & Development Impact Evaluation Initiative for the evaluation of a Community-Driven Development programme in the Central African Republic, and a poverty alleviation project in Cambodia.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matthias Rieger teaches Research Methodology for VNP annually in Vietnam. This subject is the foundation for students to improve upon their thesis through understanding, analyzing, systematically evaluating documents and data. Research Methodology is the key to successfully completing a thesis.
- Gender, Ethnicity and Teaching Evaluations: Evidence from Mixed Teaching Teams (with Natascha Wagner and Katherine Voorvelt), Economics of Education Review, forthcoming.
- Media coverage: Times Higher Education Polygyny and Child Health Revisited (with Natascha Wagner), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Letters), 2016
- Corruption and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (with Elissaios Papyrakis and Emma Gilberthorpe), Journal of Development Studies, forthcoming.
- Trans Fat and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality: Evidence from Bans in Restaurants in New York (with Brandon Restrepo), Journal of Health Economics, 2016. Coverage on blogs: VOX or the World Economic Foru
- Age-Specific Correlates of Child Growth (with Sofia Trommlerovà), Demography, 2016
- Trust and Trustworthiness in Young and Older Adults (Phoebe Bailey, Gillian Slessor, Matthias Rieger, Peter Rendell, Ahmed Moustafa and Ted Ruffmann), Psychology & Aging, 2015
- Denmark’s Policy on Artificial Trans Fat and Cardiovascular Disease (with Brandon Restrepo), American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2016. Media coverage: TIME; Jyllands-Posten
- Risk aversion, Time preference and Health Production: Theory and Empirical Evidence from Cambodia, Economics and Human Biology, 2015
- Child Health, its Dynamic Interaction with Nutrition and Health Memory –Evidence from Senegal, (with Natascha Wagner), Economics and Human Biology, 2015
- The Impact of Landmines on Child Health in Angola (with Jean-Louis Arcand and Aude-Sophie Rodella-Boitreaud), Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2015
Prof. Nguyễn Trọng Hoài
Tổng biên tập, Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Kinh tế và Kinh doanh Châu Á, UEH
Ph.D., University Of Colombo, Sri-Lanka
Nguyen Trong Hoai is a Professor at the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH)…Former in 1990s, he obtained M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics from University of Colombo, Sri-Lanka. He favors his research in sustainable development, education internationalisation, green growth, green behavior, public health, regional development and smart cities. He currently serves as Vice President of UEH in the areas of international relations and academic research. He has now been assigned as a member of the Center of Education Accreditation by Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCMC). In addition, he is a Director of the Vietnam-Netherland Programme for Master of Development Economics, a joint programme between UEH and the International Institute of Social Study at Erasmus University Rotterdam and he has also been appointed as a member of the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES) at UEH. Importantly, he is one of the key members in a strategic consulting committee for the HCMC Municipal Administration (People’s Committee).
Well-respected of his excellent research ability and educational background, Prof. Dr. Nguyen has published more than 60 academic articles on the national scientific journals as well as international high ranking scientific journals. He has successfully transferred several applied research projects on competitiveness, supporting industries, public health, regional development, and education internationalisation to policy makers both at the provincial and national levels in Vietnam He often delivers key notes for a wide range of national/international conferences on sustainable development, education internationalisation and accreditation.
PhD. Trương Đăng Thụy
Trưởng Bộ môn Kinh tế, Khoa Kinh tế, Đại học Kinh tế TP.HCM
Ph.D, Đại học University Of Alberta, Canada
Dr. Truong Dang Thuy is currently the Academic Advisor, at Vietnam- The Netherlands Program for M.A. in Development Economics, Head of Economics Department at Faculty of Economics, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City. He is also the Senior Researcher/Research Coordinator/ Deputy Director at EfD Vietnam (Environment for Development Initiative).
Dr. Truong Dang Thuy received his PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of Alberta, Canada in 2013. His research focused on the economics of environmental impact assessment, choice behaviour, risk and hazard management. His publications include documents published in Resource and Energy Economics, Land Use Policy, Ecological Economics, and ASEAN Economic Bulletin.
Specifically, Dr. Truong Dang Thuy has a research paper published in the journal Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE), one of the most prestigious journals in the field of economic research on natural resources and environment. This study investigates the location selection behavior of Canadian hunters in response to information from game animals suffering from CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease) using Revealed and stated preferences data.
Dr. Truong Dang Thuy is in charge of Econometrics course at VNP, which is a subfield in economics that seeks to measure and statistically estimate the relationship between economic variables. In addition, he is also very enthusiastic in providing academic support to students for completing their dissertations in the role of an Academic Advisor.
- 1. Truong D.T, Q.T. Vo, K.N. Pha,. 2021. Does the devolution of forest management help conserve mangrove in the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam? Land Use Policy (106).
2. Truong D.T., K.N. Pham, D. Whittington. 2020. Households’ Perceptions of Reasonable Water Bills in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Water Economics and Policy, 6(3)
3. Nguyen, N.Q.A., B. Phung and T. Truong. 2019. Willingness to pay for agricultural flood insurance in the Mekong River Delta. Environmental Hazards, 18(3): 212-227.
4. Truong, T. and L. Do. 2018. Mangrove forests and Aquaculture in the Mekong River Delta. Land Use Policy (73): 20-28.
5. Abidoye, B.O et al. 2017. South-east Asian Ricardian Studies: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Climate Change Economics 08(3).
6. Truong, T., Vic Adamowicz and P. Boxall. 2017. Modelling the Effect of Chronic Wasting Disease on Recreational Hunting Site Choice Preferences and Choice Set Formation over Time. Environmental and Resource Economics 70(1): 271-295.
7. Truong, T., Vic Adamowicz and P. Boxall. 2015. Modelling Non-compensatory Preferences in Environmental Valuation. Resource and Energy Economics 30: 89 –107.
8. Jianjun J., J. Chong, T. Truong and L. Lun. 2013. Public Preferences for Cultivated Land Protection in Wenling City, China: A Choice Experiment Study. Land Use Policy 30:337-43.
9. Truong, T., Vic Adamowicz and P. Boxall. 2012. Modelling Non-compensatory Preferences in Environmental Valuation. Selected paper at the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Summer Conference, Asheville, NC, June 4-5.
10. Truong, T., Vic Adamowicz and P. Boxall. 2011. Health Risk Perception, Hunting Site Choice and Chronic Wasting Disease: Modelling the Effect of Risk on Preferences and Choice Set Formation Over Time. Selected paper at the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Summer Conference, Seattle, June 9-10.
11. Jianjun J., A. Indab, O. Nabangchang, T. Truong, D. Harder and R.F. Subade. 2010. Valuing marine turtle conservation: A cross-country study in Asian cities. Ecological Economics 69: 2020-26.
12. Nabangchang O., J. Jianjun, A. Indab, T. Truong, D. Harder and R.F. Subade. 2008. Mobilizing Resources for Marine Turtle Conservation in Asia: A Cross-country Perspective. ASEAN Economic Bulletin 25(1): 60-69.
13. Hess, S., van Beukering, P., Kayharara,G., Mchallo,I., Nyamwihura, G., Pham, N. and T. Thuy. 2007. Are forest dwellers willing to participate in a scheme of Payment for environmental Services: a choice experiment in the Coastal Forest of Tanzania. Working paper. PREM Programme -Institute for Environmental Studies. Vrije University, The Netherlands.
14. Chessman, J., Son, T.V.H, Thuy, T.D., Vu, V.D.H. and J. Bennett. 2007. Managing Groundwater Access in the Central Highlands (Tay Nguyen), Viet Nam. ISSN 1832- 7435 Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Research Report No.3.
15. Chessman, J., J. Bennett, Son, T.V.H, Thuy, T.D. and V.D.H. Vu. 2007. The Total Economic Value of Sustainable Coffee Irrigation Practices in DakLak, Viet Nam. ISSN 1832-7435 Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Research Report No.5.
16. Harder D., J. Jianjun, T. Truong, O. Nabangchang, A. Indab and R.F. Subade. 2006. Hypothetical and Real Willingness To Pay for Marine Turtle Conservation: A Cross Country Comparison in Asia. Presentation at Third World Congress for Environmental Economists in Kyoto, Japan.
PhD. Hồ Hoàng Anh
Ph.D, University of Gothenburg
Hoang-Anh Ho received a PhD in Economics from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. His research interests include culture, institutions, and development. His works have been published in leading academic journals such as Journal of Economic Growth, Explorations in Economic History, and World Development.
PhD. Lê Văn Chơn
Ph.D,University Of Georgia, Usa, United States
I am currently a lecturer in Economics at the International University (IU), Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City. Before joining the IU, I worked at the University of Danang and the Ho Chi Minh City Open University. I got my PhD degree in Economics from the University of Georgia (USA) in 2010. My fields of research include applied econometrics, applied microeconomics, and climate change-related economic issues. I have published several papers on peer-reviewed journals and book series.
Research interests:
Industrial Organization, Applied Econometrics, Applied Microeconomics
- Hamza Alkhatib, Ingo Neumann, Vladik Kreinovich, and Chon Van Le “Why LASSO, EN, and CLOT: Invariance-based Explanation” in Data Science for Financial Econometrics, 2020. Springer, Cham (forthcoming).
- Chon Van Le “Detection of Structural Changes without Using P values”, in Kreinovich, V. et al. (eds) Beyond Traditional Probabilistic Methods in Economics, 2019. Springer, Cham.
- Chon Van Le “Smoothing Spline as A Guide to Elaborate Explanatory Modeling”, in Kreinovich, V. et al. (eds) Predictive Econometrics and Big Data, 2018. Springer, Cham.
- Vu Thi Thuong, and Chon Van Le “What Firms Must Pay Bribes and How Much? An Empirical Study of Small and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam”, in V.N. Huynh et al. (eds) Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making, 2016, pp. 689-700. Springer, Cham.
- Hoang Thanh Huong, Le Van Chon, Le Dang Trung; and Oostendorp Remco “Regional Labor Market Integration”, in Hansen, Henrik and Nguyen, Thang (eds) Market, Policy and Poverty Reduction in Vietnam, 2008, pp. 30-58. Hanoi, Vietnam: Vietnam Culture and Information Publishing House.
- Bui Trinh, Le Ha Thanh, Nguyen Manh Toan, and Le Van Chon “Analyzing the Relationship between Income Groups and Final Demand based on Extended Input-Output Framework”, Vietnam’s Socio-Economic Development, 2007, vol. 49: 66-77.
PhD. Cao Hào Thi
Ph.D, Asian Institute Of Technology (Ait), Bangkok, Thailand
Associate Professor PhD Cao Hao Thi, is currently the President of the Saigon University of Technology (STU). He has also been a lecturer for the Vietnam – The Netherlands Programme (VNP) since its infancy. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Cao Hao Thi was well-loved and highly regarded by his students. Moreover, he was also a Dean and lecturer at other institutions and organizations such as School of Industrial Management, Vietnam Fulbright Economics Teaching Program, Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID), Maastricht School of Management.
He did a Ph.D. in International Business in 2007 at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand with the thesis "Critical Success Factors in Project Management – An Analysis of Infrastructure Projects in Vietnam.
Being fluent in 3 languages Vietnamese, English, Russian and have previous working experience in the United States, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cao Hao Thi not only contributed to various large and small projects in Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces in the South of Vietnam but also published many books and newspapers for study and research in the field of business and project management. Furthermore, he has published 49 articles in prestigious international and domestic journals. His scientific researches are also honored to be presented in major conferences in Thailand, China, and Japan.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Cao Hao Thi is currently a member of the Civil Engineering Association and is also the former President of the Vietnamese Association in the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). He was also a Co-head Organizer for the 15th and 23rd PBFEAM (Pacific Basin Finance Economics Accounting and Management).
- Lê Văn, Cao Hào Thi, Critical Success Factors in Knowledge Management – An Annalysis of the Construction Industry in Vietnam, Journal of Economic Development Review, No. 189, HCMC University of Economics, 5/2010
- Lê Văn, Cao Hào Thi, Critical Success Factors in Knowledge Management – An Analysis of Construction Industy in Vietnam, 18th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting and Management (PBFEAM), Beijing, China, 23 and 25 July 2010.
- Dương Như Hùng, Cao Hào Thi, Management of Technology Education for Working Peole from Asian Perspective, International Workshop on MOT Education 11 March 2010 in Yamaguchi, Japan.
- Vũ Anh Tuấn, Cao Hào Thi, Critical factors impact on electrical projects performance in Vietnam, January 2009, Journal of Science & Technology Development, 12, ISSN 1859-0128, Vietnam National University – HoChiMinh City.
- Nguyễn Thị Minh Tâm, Cao Hào Thi, Critical factors varying construction cost, January 2009, Journal of Science & Technology Development, 12, ISSN 1859-0128, Vietnam National University – HoChiMinh City.
- Trần Văn Thông, Cao Hào Thi, Determinants of Venture Capital in Vietnam, 17th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting and Management, and 3rd International Conference on Business in Asia (iCBA), Bangkok, Thailand, 1 and 2 July 2009.
- Vũ Anh Tuấn, Cao Hào Thi, The Relationship between Organization, Human Competences and Project Performance in Vietnamese Electrical Projects, 17th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting and Management, and 3rd International Conference on Business in Asia (iCBA), Bangkok, Thailand, 1 and 2 July 2009.
- Nguyễn Ý Mai, Cao Hào Thi, Cost and Benefit Analyses of HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing Project in Vietnam, 17th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting and Management, and 3rd International Conference on Business in Asia (iCBA), Bangkok, Thailand, 1 and 2 July 2009.
- Cao Hào Thi, Fredric William Swierczek, Critical Success Factors in Project Management: Implications from Vietnam, 2007, Asia Pacific Business Review.
- Cao Hào Thi, An Excel Approach to Impact of Inflation on the Project’s Cash flow, 1999 Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Conference VII.
1. Thí sinh có bằng tốt nghiệp (hoặc đủ điều kiện tốt nghiệp) các trường Đại học thuộc khối ngành kinh tế, kinh doanh, quản lý
2. Thí sinh tốt nghiệp (hoặc đủ điều kiện tốt nghiệp) các trường Đại học khối ngành ngoài kinh tế cần có thêm chứng chỉ bổ túc kiến thức (liên hệ VNP để biết thêm chi tiết)
Thí sinh cần đáp ứng yêu cầu về tiếng Anh, cụ thể là có một trong những văn bằng, chứng chỉ sau đây:
- Bằng tốt nghiệp Đại học chuyên ngành tiếng Anh
- Bằng tốt nghiệp Đại học mà chương trình đào tạo chủ yếu bằng tiếng Anh
- Một trong các chứng chỉ tiếng Anh sau đây (còn hiệu lực tính đến ngày đăng ký dự tuyển):
- TOEIC (4 kỹ năng: Nghe, tối thiểu 400 – Đọc, tối thiểu 385 – Nói, tối thiểu 160 – Viết, tối thiểu 150)
- TOEFL iBT 46
- IELTS 5.5
- B2 khung châu Âu
- Các chứng chỉ tương đương khác
Đối với thí sinh chưa có các văn bằng, chứng chỉ trên, bắt buộc tham dự Bài Kiểm tra trình độ tiếng Anh đầu vào tại VNP.
- Bằng tốt nghiệp Đại học hoặc Giấy xác nhận đủ điều kiện tốt nghiệp
- Bảng điểm Chương trình Đại học
- Các chứng chỉ năng lực và bồi dưỡng chuyên môn
Giấy khen, Giải thưởng, Chứng nhận thành tích đạt được trong quá trình học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc (nếu có) - Lý lịch cá nhân (CV) viết bằng tiếng Anh
- Ảnh chụp rõ nét của thí sinh
- Bài luận viết bằng tiếng Anh, có độ dài 800-1500 từ, trình bày một chủ đề bất kỳ về kinh tế, kinh doanh, tài chính, ngân hàng, hoặc văn hóa, xã hội mà thí sinh quan tâm nhất.
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