2 Doctoral Candidates Focus on Accounting – The University of Luxembourg
The University of Luxembourg
2 Doctoral Candidates (PhD Students) in Economics/Management
with Focus on Accounting (M/F) (PRIDE DTU REMS II)
The Doctoral Training Unit on Enforcement in Multi-level Regulatory Systems II (REMS-II) is opening 1 funded PhD position in Economics and 1 funded PhD position in Management with focus on Accounting.
– Each doctoral candidate will conduct research under the guidance of a Professor and an Associate Professor (respectively, in Economics and in Financial Accounting) with the aim of studying towards a PhD in Economics or Management.
- The doctoral candidate working under the supervision of the Professor of Economics will conduct studies on the economics of the law enforcement in public private partnership, government sponsored firms and public infrastructure investments. The thesis is intended to mix law and economics concepts using various strands of the Industrial Organization literature on contract theory, contract enforcement, law and economics (see Nobel Prize Tirole).
- The doctoral candidate working under the Associate Professor of Financial Accounting will conduct quantitative empirical research on the capital market perception of voluntary disclosure (e.g., corporate social responsibility reporting) and mandatory regulatory disclosure.
– The doctoral candidates, depending on their background in either Economics or Management, are expected to enrol in the Doctoral School in Economics and Finance or in the Doctoral Programme in Management, and in the broader research program of REMS-II. They are expected to make links between the perspectives from the disciplines of Law, Economics, Accounting and Finance.
– The doctoral candidates will publish research results and present them at conferences, workshops, etc.
– They shall contribute to the teaching of classes ranging from one to three hours per week, of small group teachings and tutorials.
– Degree in Master in Economics and/or Finance and/or Accounting (Quantitative orientation, Research Track, MSc, MPhil); additional education in Law disciplines is an advantage.
– Have the linguistic skills to evolve in a multilingual environment: fluency in English.
– Strong interest in interdisciplinary research.
– Excellent communication and team working skills are required.
Link: http://emea3.mrted.ly/24nk1
Applications must include the following:
– Completed online application form;
– A curriculum vitae;
– Copies of university degrees (to the extent possible, please include university transcripts and official details of class rank);
– A research proposal either:
- Linked to the capital market perception of voluntary disclosure for the doctorate candidate in Management with focus on Accounting);
- Or that builds upon (follow-up research) her/his prior research conducted in the course of her/his Master thesis may also serve as a basis for assessment (2000 words-long, containing an explanation of the topic, its scientific background and why the applicant considers it to be important; a research question and the specific aim of the research proposal; methodology; timeline for completion, and a short bibliography);
– One letter of recommendation by professors familiar with the applicant’s academic legal training commenting on the applicant’s ability to conduct academic research;
– Proof of language proficiency in English if this language is not the mother tongue of the applicant.
Applications should be submitted online before 17 May 2019.
The University of Luxembourg is an equal opportunity employer.